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I feel like I’m cared for and it is just a fun atmosphere in general.

  • Sammuel
  • Grade 9


Grade 9

What are you currently involved in?

How has your experience at EC been so far?
It has been a good one. I have found a lot of friends. I feel like I’m cared for and it is just a fun atmosphere in general. I was formerly at a small, private school in New York. Coming here was just a big upgrade with more people and more of a social life. I love playing basketball and I am able to play for the school.

What do you most appreciate about EC?
The people and the Christian education.

What would you say to students currently looking to come to EC as a freshman?
You will find great friends that you can really rely on for your whole life.


I wanted a tight-knit community. I wanted to have a place where everyone had faith in common. I feel like Eastern Christian does a really good job of putting their faith into everything. Everywhere you look in this school, there is some aspect of faith and Christianity.

  • Kayla
  • Grade 9


Grade 9

What are you currently involved in?
Outdoor Activities Club, Dancers with a Purpose, ABIDE, American Sign Language, Lacrosse Club; I love community service and I am already almost done with Faith in Action requirements.

Why did you start looking at EC?
I wanted a tight-knit community. I wanted to have a place where everyone had faith in common. I feel like Eastern Christian does a really good job of putting their faith into everything. Everywhere you look in this school, there is some aspect of faith and Christianity.

Why did you ultimately decide to come to EC?
The more I looked into it, the more EC kept on proving itself. It aligned with everything I wanted. It felt like the perfect community; it just felt right. And even in the process of getting into the school, the staff proved how caring they were. They were attentive and they care about each student individually.

What do you most appreciate about EC?
Everybody gives everybody a chance. We all have faith in common. It’s like a big family. They don’t see students as numbers. They see them individually.

I also feel they have good opportunities for career development. This is the most ‘career and college-preparation school’ that I’ve seen. They are doing everything to prepare students for every possible career you can imagine. I like how everyone in this school is a future thinker, trying to prepare you. The WINGS program, that’s so good. I am so excited to get into that.

What would you say to students currently looking to join EC as a freshman?
If you are trying to find a school that will make you feel welcome, EC is the best place that you can find. Everyone has their place here. There are so many different SOARS and clubs here. Everyone has their niche. 

EC has offered an atmosphere for our children to hear the messages of our home reinforced from other important adults in their lives-messages of faith and character.

  • TJ & Elisa Duger
  • EC Parents

TJ & Elisa Duger

EC Parents

How has Eastern Christian made a difference in the life of your child(ren)? What do you think would be different had they not come here? 

EC has offered an atmosphere for our children to hear the messages of our home reinforced from other important adults in their lives-messages of faith and character.


How has the staff and/or administration partnered with you to nurture your child’s spirit and engage your child’s mind? 

The teachers and staff at EC have spent quality time getting to know our children-both strengths and weaknesses. EC has offered special curriculum to allow their strengths to excel and spent extra time with us as parent to find effective ways of supporting the areas of development still to grow.


What is the most valuable part of the Eastern Christian experience to you? 

For us, the dedication of staff to model the love of Christ to our children daily is the most valuable part of the education at EC.


Why are you thankful for Christian Education? 

We are thankful for a place that speaks the truths of Scripture to our children.


What else would you like potential students and donors to know about Eastern Christian?

EC is a place that cares about the whole child-their heart, mind, and spirit.

We feel so blessed to be part of a Christ-centered learning community. We can’t count the number of times we reflect on how EC reinforces positive values for our daughter... At EC we feel confident leaving our most precious gifts with teachers, staff, and volunteers who care about all aspects of their development.

  • Stacy-Ann & Sanjay
  • Parents

Stacy-Ann & Sanjay


We feel so blessed to be part of a Christ-centered learning community. We can’t count the number of times we reflect on how EC reinforces positive values for our daughter. (We truly feel the home, church and school are connected.) She comes home each day and shares her “EC adventures” with us and her little brother. He’s so excited to start this year. At EC we feel confident leaving our most precious gifts with teachers, staff, and volunteers who care about all aspects of their development. We also really appreciate the PTO and striving to foster community amongst the parents.

Our daughter started PK4 this school year, and our experience has been nothing short of amazing! From academics to nurturing her spiritual growth, we could not be happier to see our child loving each day in PK. She has learned so much, made new friends, and loves each of her teachers. It's a true testament of how a school should come alongside a child and nurture so many aspects that make up their whole person. We LOVE EC!

  • Jon & Erin Gorter
  • Parents

Jon & Erin Gorter


Our daughter started PK4 this school year, and our experience has been nothing short of amazing! From academics to nurturing her spiritual growth, we could not be happier to see our child loving each day in PK. She has learned so much, made new friends, and loves each of her teachers. It’s a true testament of how a school should come alongside a child and nurture so many aspects that make up their whole person. We LOVE EC!

I am so blessed to have the opportunity to return to EC and share my three loves -- love of God, love of teaching and love of children. What an incredible opportunity to be part of a school that holds both academic excellence and biblical truth in such high regard.

  • Dr. Donna Furrey
  • Teacher

Dr. Donna Furrey


Having been a student at Eastern Christian, I know first hand the impact that a Christian school teacher can have on a student’s life. I will forever be grateful to my middle school science teacher. Although I may not remember any of her lessons, I clearly remember the impact she had on my life. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to return to EC and share my three loves — love of God, love of teaching and love of children. What an incredible opportunity to be part of a school that holds both academic excellence and biblical truth in such high regard. 

For everyone who values a Christ centered education for their children, EC is a good place for you. Here you get to partner with the school in raising a generation of children who are bold in declaring their faith and living godly lives.

  • Eric & Stella Osae-Twum
  • Parents

Eric & Stella Osae-Twum


What do you love about EC?

We love the fact that our children get to hear about God everyday at school. The bible instructs us in Deuteronomy 6:7 to teach the word of God to our children when we sit at home and when we walk along the road, when we lie down and when we get up. Since they spend about seven hours at school each day, we are grateful that they do not miss out on hearing God’s word during this period. Our faith and love for God as a community also unifies us and this helps to bridge cultural differences. We have been blessed with genuine friends.

Why did you choose Eastern Christian School for your children?

  • We believe in partnering with the Church and School to raise godly children and EC offered that partnership
  • Impressive physical structure with boldly written bible verses
  • More diverse environment than the public school setting we were in at the time
  • Supportive staff
  • Warm environment where authentic family relationships can be built

In what ways have you seen your children grow in their faith as a result of their experience at Eastern Christian School?

Our children love music and enjoy learning new Christian songs at school. They also love learning new bible verses. The opportunity to come together for chapel every week has taught them that worshipping God is continuous and not a Sunday affair. They are also learning to view things from a Godly perspective as this is emphasized in the subjects taught.

What would you tell another parent to encourage them to consider enrolling their child at Eastern Christian School?

We were raised in an environment where belief in God was taught in schools. Unfortunately, this is not the case in our culture now. For everyone who values a Christ centered education for their children, EC is a good place for you. Here you get to partner with the school in raising a generation of children who are bold in declaring their faith and living godly lives.

EC's education, programing and activities opens doors for our kids just like our own schooling experience BUT our kids have the signs of being rooted in faith sooner than we were.

  • Katie Tarta
  • EC Parent

Katie Tarta

EC Parent

What do you love about EC?
What I love about EC is too much to list but I’ll share a story. We are from this region originally but lived abroad for over a decade. My eldest kids were born & grew up on an island in the Caribbean and though they’ve been at EC for 6+ years and are now at the MS, they still love their island home. In the last 18 months we’ve had opportunity to return and the #1 thing that keeps us rooted in NJ, (other than family who will surely read this), really is EC. My kids told me this summer that even if they could return to the island, they wouldn’t want to leave New Jersey because of EC and specifically cited the teachers! For a family that works hard to make sure they have this opportunity it was both financially validating but also reinforced that God has us just where we should be. And if you’ve ever tried to get a direct answer from a teenager, this is even more to the point.

Why did you choose Eastern Christian School for your children?
– Christ-focused spiritual reinforcement from the place they spend the majority of their time
– Excellent education, teachers & support systems
– Service oriented approach to building life skills
– Community & relationally driven environment

In what ways have you seen your children grow in their faith as a result of their experience at Eastern Christian School?
My kids pray openly. They pray for others first, they pray for those in need and they have developed a sense of service that surprises this mom. From my preschool student to my middle school students, they think beyond themselves and while I’d like to claim credit, the truth is, I know it comes from the style of education where they’re taught about what sacrifice & service looks like. This lesson has extended into how they act at home too.

Their educational growth should be noted as well, they have all become stronger learners even through the pandemic. We are so grateful for their teacher’s level of commitment academically and spiritually especially on those really hard long days!

What would you tell another parent considering enrolling their child(ren) at Eastern Christian School?
My husband and I met in 6th grade. We’ve been married 20+ years. It has been a wild ride even before the 3 kids. We grew up in Bergen County and went to public school. We got an amazing education at those schools. We got amazing opportunities because of them as well. Those schools gave us state championships in sports and expansive extracurriculars rivaling colleges. We got so much out of it including each other. What we did not get, however, was a sense of self through the eyes of Jesus. That came much later, in God’s good timing. But now as parents, given the choice, we want our kids to be in a place where that is reinforced, daily, hourly and by everyone they encounter at school. What is even better is that we don’t have to give up the other side of things either. EC’s education, programing and activities opens doors for our kids just like our own schooling experience BUT our kids have the signs of being rooted in faith sooner than we were. I think God is everywhere, every school, every grade with everyone who calls on Him, but what I love about EC is that when my kid isn’t calling on Him, those around them are and we can all feel the difference.

I love that Eastern Christian promotes a Christian community and intertwines faith and education. Teachers find ways to promote faith in their lessons which leaves a lasting impact.

  • Katherine
  • Class of 2021


Class of 2021

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?

I love that Eastern Christian promotes a Christian community and intertwines faith and education. Teachers find ways to promote faith in their lessons which leaves a lasting impact.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.

My favorite teacher relates to her students and establishes a meaningful relationship with them. Rather than feeling like a nameless student, I feel recognized and appreciated as an individual. Additionally, she applies her faith and personal experiences, ultimately encouraging a Christian environment.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

I can surely say that my faith has grown at EC because of the strong spiritual mentors I have met and the opportunities available to experience God. I am thankful to have experienced meaningful chapels, vulnerable Bible classes, and fellowship through Bible studies and other clubs. I have been able to connect with teachers and students alike to relate our struggles and pray over each other, which has allowed me to make my faith my own.

At Eastern Christian we talk about an education that is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience this kind of education at EC?

From my teachers’ unique takes on subjects and their fun personalities, it is easy to be engaged in school. EC promotes a nurturing environment by establishing personal connections with students and making students feel welcome and loved. Overall, my experience here has been transformative as it has led me to make my faith my own and set me on track to achieve my future goals.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life?

Because of the numerous class options available at EC, I have been able to pursue different fields of interests and found out what I enjoy most and want to pursue as a future career. The mentors I have met through my time at EC have helped me navigate my interests and find a plan that is best suited to fulfilling my career plans.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?

I am so thankful for the Christian community Eastern Christian is a part of. I feel unified with my community which has allowed me to have a personal experience where I feel like I am a part of something.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

There are so many opportunities to find your place within the community! Teachers genuinely care about you and want to see you succeed.

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